The National Police Officer Selection Test (POST)

The National Police Officer Selection Test (POST) is an entry-level basic skills test that helps law enforcement agencies select the most qualified applicants by ensuring that candidates possess the basic cognitive skills necessary to successfully perform the job. The POST is a valid, job-related test designed specifically for law enforcement use, which measures these basic skills: Arithmetic, Reading Comprehension, Grammar and Incident Report Writing. Increase your department’s hiring efficiency by using the POST to ensure candidates possess the fundamental skills to succeed in training and on the job.

Why use the POST?

  • Inexpensive and efficient selection tool
  • Four different forms are available
  • Easy to administer
  • Can be scored by the department or by Stanard & Associates, Inc.
  • Consists of questions directly related to police tasks
  • Backed up by extensive research and development
  • Employs content and criterion-related validity
  • Is associated with higher training academy performance
  • Developed in accordance with EEOC and professional guidelines
  • Complies with ADA requirements
  • Printed or online exam options – Learn more about our online remote testing option.

The POST exam is used for law enforcement officer selection by a variety of municipal, county, state and federal agencies. In addition, the POST has been mandated as the statewide entry-level test by the State of Iowa. The POST is the official test of 29 State Police Chief Associations. All of these agencies thoroughly researched the available exams and determined that those offered by Stanard & Associates, Inc. were of the highest quality.

If you have any questions, please contact us at 1-800-367-6919.