Custom Written Promotional Exams
Stanard & Associates routinely develops customized written promotional exams. If you are unsure about what source or reference materials test items should be drawn from, we can guide your department through the up-front job analysis process. Or, if your agency has already identified a specific set of source materials from which candidates study, Stanard & Associates’ staff of expert item writers can develop a customized exam based on your specific requirements. Your local experts tell us what source materials to write test items from and how those sources should be weighted–we’ll take care of the rest.
The exam development process includes more test questions than necessary for a traditional 100 item exam. That way, your local experts can pick and choose those items that work best for your department. We can also provide a study guide that provides candidates with test taking tips, a reading list and sample test questions. Stanard & Associates has developed customized written exams for numerous police, fire and corrections agencies.